
Dr. Stephen Snelders

Postdoctoral researcher
Stephen Snelders

Stephen Snelders is a historian and started in the early 1990s to do research into the history of drugs . After completing his Ph.D.-thesis on the history of LSD he moved to other drugs. His original research focus on the demand side and on the medical history of illegal drugs has shifted in the past five years to the supply side and its relationship to criminal underworlds and their embeddedness in society. His fortcoming book Smuggling Narcotics and the Netherlands, 1920-1995, will be published by Manchester University Press in 2020.


Stephen Snelders, ‘Substituting One Drug For Another: Intoxicants in The Netherlands, 1920-1945’, Workshop ‘Intoxication, Discourses and Social Practices in Cultural and Historical Perspective’, Sheffield University, 30 September- 1 October 2016.

Stephen Snelders, ‘Triads on the Move? – Explaining the Success of Chinese Drug Trafficking to The Netherlands, 1920-1975’, Drinking and Drug Policies: Contextualizing Causes and Consequences. Alcohol and Drugs History Society conference, Utrecht University, 22-25 June 2017.

Stephen Snelders, ‘Cannabis, Counter Culture, and Criminals: The rise of the Netherlands as a nexus in the international illegal cannabis trade, 1965-1985’, Part 1, 1965-1975: From the rise of the counter culture to the revised Opium Act of 1976’, symposium Cannabis: Global Histories, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 19-20 April 2018.

Stephen Snelders, ‘Uit de geschiedenis van de illegale drugshandel in Nederland na de Opiumwet van 1919’, symposium Drugsbestrijding: perspectieven uit heden en verleden, Open Universiteit Heerlen, 16 november 2018.I guess this whole symposium organized by Gemma can be listed under events?

Stephen Snelders, ‘Business as usual? – Dutch criminal and maritime cultures and the cannabis smuggling routes to the East’, Changing Minds: Societies, states, the sciences and psychoactive substances in history, conferentie Alcohol and Drugs History Society, Shanghai University 12-15 juni 2019.

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